Category: Crypto News

Gary Gensler Wants Crypto Investors to be Protected, Calls for Regulation
October 8, 2021
The cryptocurrency industry would inevitably attract regulatory scrutiny along the way. This industry has grown too large and too fast for financial agencies in America to ignore. It feels like regulators will be faced with the age-old dilemma of whether to overregulate and stifle innovation or leave crypto to operate by rules of natural selection,…

North American Bitcoin Miners HODL Over 18k BTC, Confident on BTC Price Increment to Over $60k
October 7, 2021
The U.S. is fast emerging as the Bitcoin capital of the world. The numbers are there to prove that fact. It is the single biggest beneficiary of the mining exodus from China and emerging as the headquarters of crypto commerce. This rise has put the world on notice because of how rapidly North American miners…